Happy Holidays! Winter is in full swing, and it’s important to remember that road conditions can be less than ideal. From black ice to reduced visibility, the chances of getting into an accident during this time of year are much higher than any other. However, fear not! We’ve compiled some winter driving tips and tricks for making sure that you and your car are prepared for the snowy months. 

Just follow these simple steps, and your winter commutes will be not only more enjoyable, but also safer. 

Black Ice

Black ice is one of the most dangerous winter hazards you will face on the road. Slippery, hard to spot and deadly, this frozen terror causes countless accidents every year. Here are a few things to keep in mind when dealing with black ice: 

  1. Don’t speed. Black ice offers absolutely no traction for your tires, so slow and steady is the way to go. 
  2. Avoid sudden jerky motions with the wheel. These will increase your likelihood of spinning out.
  3. Watch the temperature. Black ice is most likely to be on the road when the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Know How to Handle a Skid

Many people do not know how to deal with skidding out in the snow or ice. Here are step by step directions on how to achieve the best possible outcomes if you start to spin: 

  1. Take your feet off the pedals.
  2. DO NOT SLAM ON THE BRAKES. Try to “pump” them instead. 
  3. Steer into the direction of the skid: Drivers should turn their front wheels in the same direction as their back wheels. For example, if the back of the car is moving to the right, turn the steering wheel to the right.
  4. Use the steering wheel slowly and smoothly. Oversteering will only worsen the situation. 

Slow Down!

It might seem like it goes without saying, but when conditions are snowy or icy, the roads are incredibly slippery. It is important to keep this in mind for every action you perform on the road. Brake earlier and slower. Approach red lights and stop signs with extra caution. 

It’s also important to make sure that you keep an eye out for other drivers. Not everyone is familiar with driving in snowy conditions, so be sure to watch the road and others on it with equal closeness. 

Make Sure Your Car is Winter Driving Ready

It’s important to prepare your car for the harsh conditions on the road. Here are some easy ways to do that:

  • Put winter tires on your vehicle or add chains to your existing tires
  • Keep your fuel tank over half full to avoid condensation and freezing
  • Keep a scraper/brush in your car for your windows
  • Don’t drive on the road until you’ve totally cleared your windows of all snow and ice
  • Brush excess snow off of the top of your car before driving

Safe Winter Driving with A1 Body Shop

We hope that his blog has helped shine some light on the best ways to keep your commute safe this holiday season. If you have any questions at all about driving in these winter conditions, please get in touch with us at  A1 Body Shop by calling (775) 348-0908.

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