Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types amongst car accidents. You never know when you could get rear-ended and you want to make sure that you don’t have any hidden damages underneath the surface. Our Reno auto body shop is equipped to assess your vehicle with any damages. We are here for all your car collision needs and want you to remain safe on the roads! 

When Can Rear-End Collisions Occur?

Rear-end collisions usually happen and are most common during the daytime just by the other driver simply not paying attention. They could’ve been distracted on their phones and didn’t let up on the brakes. Half the time it isn’t even your fault, it’s from others not paying attention to the road at all times. It could happen even just by waiting at a stoplight/stop sign or maybe the driver has mechanical problems and couldn’t stop the car in time.


What Causes a Rear-End Collision? 

Did you know? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), six million car accidents take place in the United States each year. Out of these six million wrecks, 40 percent are rear-end collisions. A rear-end car collision can happen at any time. The top main causes of collisions include: 

  • Speeding
  • Mechanical problems
  • Congested traffic
  • Distracted driving (texting, phone calls, taking a picture, etc.) 
  • Reckless driving


What To Look Out For

If you were waiting at a stoplight and noticed someone accidentally bumped into you from behind, checked the accident out and there seemed to be no damage, you still might want to consider getting your vehicle looked at by a professional. Even if you believe that the collision didn’t cause any damage because you don’t see any signs of visible damage, think again. Just because you don’t notice any dents or dings, doesn’t mean that further repair isn’t necessary. It’s all about what happens under the surface. Collisions can affect many auto body damages such as: 

  • The frame behind the bumper 
  • Alignment issues
  • Trunk damage
  • Electrical problems 
  • Vehicle transmission damage  


How to Avoid Rear-End Crashes

You always want to make sure you are driving with safety and caution. In order to avoid these rear-end collisions here are some tips to keep in mind: 

  • Never text while you are driving
  • Do not drive under the influence 
  • Maintain a safe following distance behind another vehicle
  • Get your vehicle inspected multiple times a year
  • If you are feeling tired and drowsy, pull off to the side of the road to avoid an accident 


Your Local Auto Body Shop 

We hope we were able to provide some insight into how important it is to get your vehicle examined after a rear-end collision. At A1 Body Shop in Reno, you can trust that your vehicle is in good hands. We are dedicated to prioritizing your every need and request. A1 Body wants to make sure you and your vehicle are safe at all times! Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment! 


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