Car accidents are terrifying for everyone involved and sometimes they are unavoidable. However, to make it go as smoothly as possible try to remain calm, follow these steps, and remember A1 Body Shop is here for collision repair in Reno. 

     1. Assess injuries

The most important thing is that everyone is okay. The first thing you should do is check yourself for injuries and then passengers. If no injuries are apparent, stay aware of headaches, dizziness, and nausea. If anyone is injured, you should stay still and wait for first responders to come because if you try to move you could make it worse. The same goes for passengers. If they are seriously injured, do not move them, just wait for emergency help.


     2. Move your car to a safe area

If your car can still drive, try to get it to the side of the road or anywhere out of traffic. Remember to turn on your hazard lights and use any emergency gear you may have. It becomes extremely dangerous if you are left in the middle of a busy road. 

     3. Call 911 

Whether it’s a fender bender or a car is totaled, it’s important to contact the police. In Nevada, it’s actually required by law to contact the police for a crash in which anyone is injured or killed. The police are there to help and to be a third party witness to fill out the accident report.

     4. Exchange info

Make sure to get the full name, phone number, address, license plate number, insurance number, and anything you think would be useful from the other driver. The more information you can obtain, the better. Also, try to avoid confrontations. Remain calm, try not to argue who was at fault, and do not admit blame. 


     5. Record scene

Take photos of everything you can. The more evidence you have the easier things will go and you will be able to defend yourself. Get your car, their car, the whole scene, tire marks (to better demonstrate what happened) and anything else that you think could help you. 


     6. Come down to A1 Body Shop

While no one wants to be part of an accident, if you do happen to find yourself in this situation we’re here to help. We take pride in offering exceptional service by our auto experts to get you back on the road efficiently, effectively and safely. So feel free to contact us for collision repair Reno. 

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